Beyond tech crowd
I'm grateful to read any article by users who want to share their thoughts.
Writings about abstract thinking, slices of life, personal growth, interviews, etc.
The type of posts that I appreciate the most is what I call "project biographies".
The "project biography" is a log of the life and development of a creative project.
From the birth of the idea, usually sparked by curiosity or necessity, through all the development.
The challenges encountered along the way and how to overcome them.
Motivations that led to key decisions.
The release of the definitive (it's never truly definitive) version.
The archiving of the project and the reasons for that.
I find all these stories fascinating.
But (there's always a but)... on independent blogs, these stories usually have something in common:
they are mostly written by programmers.
I believe that design challenges are similar across fields, but I'd appreciate reading something related to my expertise.
Something I can identify with and that expands my knowledge.
It seems hard to find an independent blog that talks about mechanical engineering. Actually, it's hard to find blogs about anything outside the tech field. It feels like everyone who is passionate about sharing their thoughts and projects works in IT. Whether they're designers, technicians, or engineers doesn't matter.
Other fields that seem to have a good concentration of personal blogs are psychology, art, and electronics. The last one is the closest thing I've found to mechanical design and shared projects. I can find websites (usually on forums) with schematics and instructions to understand, edit, and replicate the projects.
This distribution anomaly is so obvious, but I can't explain it with common clichés.
"Coding a blog is hard."
False. There are a lot of platforms that simplify blog creation.
Bear Blog is my favorite one.
"Computer scientists are naturally predisposed to be online."
True. But this doesn't explain why there are psychologists, electronics nerds, and artists but not plumbers for example.
I'd appreciate seeing more blogs by atypical minds (read as non-IT related).
It could make this niche more interesting.
We need more blogs by builders, teachers, and athletes sharing their thoughts!
If you know some of them or do you have one please contact me.
I'll be pleased to read it. :)