To keep it short: I don't collect any kind of analytics or cookies.
I like numbers and data, but I don't want to fall into the loop of sharing only the content that engage the most.
I just want to write about things I love without getting influenced by data.
This does not mean that I don't want to know your opinion. In fact, I'd much rather receive a direct email from you than have thousands of ghost viewers.
All content on this website is available under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
This means you are free to share and adapt my work for non-commercial purposes,
as long as you provide proper attribution and distribute any derivative works under the same license.
If some of my writings have influenced your work, I'd appreciate it if you could acknowledge me, just as I cite the sources that have helped and influenced me.
This is a place for sharing opinions, results and tips related to the stuff I think and I make.
All the opinions shared here reflect only my personal thoughts, not those of my employer.
My opinions may will evolve over time, because keeping an open mind and continually learning shapes our thoughts.
Some of the projects I share contain code or instructions for potentially hazardous manual activities. The general use of any information or code obtained through this website is entirely at the risk of the user.
While most of the code is open source and not intended to be harmful or potentially dangerous,
I cannot be held responsible for any incomplete or incorrect information found on this website.
Some of the manual procedures described in this blog may carry risks of injury or property damage.
Be aware of your own skills and equipment and always wear protective gear.
I'm writing this after reading the article Derek Sivers wrote.
I find that Artificial Intelligence is a great tool.
As with any tool, it's duty of the user to find the proper way to handle it.
I want to point out that nothing written in this blog is generated by AI.
However, I use ChatGPT (free plan) for some specific tasks:
- As a code reviewer (if the code is mine) or as a commenter (if I don't understand someone else code);
- As a translator for specific words that depends on context (where common translators fail);
- When I think in Italian I make long sentences, full of subordinates. In English is better to write short sentences. So, when I translate my output to make a blogpost, sometimes I get stuck on how to split sentences correcly. Very rarely I can't get it in a way that I'm proud of. Only in this cases I ask AI to help me figuring out a way, but I use the answer only as a guideline to make it in my own words.
This page is subject to change at any time without notice.